Full Day School, 'Deadly' Religious Education
by: Dra. Hj. Ida Fauziyah, MSi
Chairman of National Awakening Party (PKB) Faction
As a nation and state, Indonesia known as a rich country in national values. The richness of national values is reflected in social, political, cultural, and linguistic diversity through harmony and togetherness of life, deliberation reaches consensus, mutual cooperation, tolerance and surely belief in God.
These national values are passed on to the generation of this nation through a social institutions like the family, community, and educational institution (school) or we call education.
Education that has been institutionalized with peculiarities of tradition and value of tafaqahu fiddin (religious understanding) is represented by Madrasah, Diniyah and boarding school. The output of the educational process has contributed to the formation of character building.
Given the strengthening of character education that should not be separated with religious education is a requirement in the improvement of faith and devotion in accordance with the mandate of article 31 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which reads increase faith and devotion and noble morality in order to educate the nation. Empirically there are thousands of institutions diniyah and millions of santri who received education diniyah after morning to take public education.
With the issuance of Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture No. 23 of 2017 on School Day has triggered a polemic in the community. The regulation that is intended to be translated to the Character Education Strengthening Program contained in Nawa Cita is considered to have potential adverse impacts and harm to Madrasah Diniyah and not in accordance with the education culture that has been running for this.
In Article 2 or (1) Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture No 23 of 2017 states, the school day is held eight hours in a day or 40 hours for five days a week. In addition, in Article 5 paragraph (1) Permendikbud 23/ 2017 mentioned the school day is used for learners to carry out intracurricularr and extracurricular activities.
Policy practice sparked various implications: Firstly that this rule is very urban biased, because the initial adjustment of five school days with Saturday holiday was due to the phenomenon in urban parents who have a Saturday-Sunday holiday time.
Besides, the practice in urban areas is not a problem in terms of security, then what about the lagging areas in rural areas that are still vulnerable to security aspects and increasing allowance. Second, the psychological world of the child needs time to socialize and interact with the environment.
The lack of interaction time has an impact on mental growth and child's saturation level, making it weak in innovating. Third institutionally deadly boardiing school education that run in the afternoon.
The application of 40 hours for five days or five day school program will slowly eliminate religious education lessons, not just diniyah but general religious education which has been held in the afternoon including potentially deadly religious-based religious education services such as Madrasah Diniyah, boarding school, education of Al Quran and others that actually become the basic strengthening of character building.
Given the worse aspect of the benefits, the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction rejected the policy and asked the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture to revoke Permendikbud 23/2017 about school day and did not apply it from the academic year 2017/2018.
Chairman of National Awakening Party (PKB) Faction
As a nation and state, Indonesia known as a rich country in national values. The richness of national values is reflected in social, political, cultural, and linguistic diversity through harmony and togetherness of life, deliberation reaches consensus, mutual cooperation, tolerance and surely belief in God.
These national values are passed on to the generation of this nation through a social institutions like the family, community, and educational institution (school) or we call education.
Education that has been institutionalized with peculiarities of tradition and value of tafaqahu fiddin (religious understanding) is represented by Madrasah, Diniyah and boarding school. The output of the educational process has contributed to the formation of character building.
Given the strengthening of character education that should not be separated with religious education is a requirement in the improvement of faith and devotion in accordance with the mandate of article 31 paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, which reads increase faith and devotion and noble morality in order to educate the nation. Empirically there are thousands of institutions diniyah and millions of santri who received education diniyah after morning to take public education.
With the issuance of Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture No. 23 of 2017 on School Day has triggered a polemic in the community. The regulation that is intended to be translated to the Character Education Strengthening Program contained in Nawa Cita is considered to have potential adverse impacts and harm to Madrasah Diniyah and not in accordance with the education culture that has been running for this.
In Article 2 or (1) Regulation of Minister of Education and Culture No 23 of 2017 states, the school day is held eight hours in a day or 40 hours for five days a week. In addition, in Article 5 paragraph (1) Permendikbud 23/ 2017 mentioned the school day is used for learners to carry out intracurricularr and extracurricular activities.
Policy practice sparked various implications: Firstly that this rule is very urban biased, because the initial adjustment of five school days with Saturday holiday was due to the phenomenon in urban parents who have a Saturday-Sunday holiday time.
Besides, the practice in urban areas is not a problem in terms of security, then what about the lagging areas in rural areas that are still vulnerable to security aspects and increasing allowance. Second, the psychological world of the child needs time to socialize and interact with the environment.
The lack of interaction time has an impact on mental growth and child's saturation level, making it weak in innovating. Third institutionally deadly boardiing school education that run in the afternoon.
The application of 40 hours for five days or five day school program will slowly eliminate religious education lessons, not just diniyah but general religious education which has been held in the afternoon including potentially deadly religious-based religious education services such as Madrasah Diniyah, boarding school, education of Al Quran and others that actually become the basic strengthening of character building.
Given the worse aspect of the benefits, the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction rejected the policy and asked the Indonesian Minister of Education and Culture to revoke Permendikbud 23/2017 about school day and did not apply it from the academic year 2017/2018.