KLHK Allegedly Not Transparent Manage Land Ransom of Register 40

Senin, 21 Agustus 2017 - 06:40 WIB
KLHK Allegedly Not Transparent...
KLHK Allegedly Not Transparent Manage Land Ransom of Register 40
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Forum for Environment (Walhi) considers the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLKH) not transparent in money management from ransom given by companies managing land in register 40.

Executive Director of Walhi North Sumatra, Dana Tarigan questioned where the run of the amount of funds estimated to reach Rp7.8 trillion and must be accountable to public.

"Supreme Court's (MA) decision is executed, then the company is given one cultivation cycle and then reforested. Well, the money that one planting cycle should be returned to the country. If according to our calculation has reached Rp 7.8 trillion, who is pengang," said Dana in Jakarta, recently.

Dana asserted, if the money has not been paid by PT Torganda then the government should ask for the money. If not according to him, there is a loss experienced by the state and raises suspicion that the money is distributed to the person.

The fund refers to Supreme Court verdict 2642/K/PID/2006, which has been enforced and decided DL Sitorus, guilty of controlling the state forest, through its company, PT Torganda and PT Torus Ganda.

The cassation decision states: first, 23,000 hectares of oil palm plantations controlled by the Plantation Cooperation of Palm Oil Plantation of Bukit Harapan and PT Torganda, along with all existing buildings there, were seized for the state through the Ministry of Forestry.

Secondly, 24,000 hectares of oil palm plantations controlled by Parsadaan Simangambat Ujung Satu and PT Torus Ganda Cooperatives together with all existing buildings were also seized for the State through the Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLHK).

Dana said that he had made several meetings with KLHK to ask about it.

"Lastly we have a meeting with KLHK during Ramadan
month ago. We ask why the land has not been executed. They said they were preparing the team, we said you guys are prepared but still not executed,"Dana stressed.

Dana suspects that there are certain forces that make KLHK dare not take action to execute the land.

"It's been ten years, but not executed," she added.

Walhi itself consistently asks KLHK to crack down on all the companies in the land register 40 that use the land is not in accordance with its intended. This needs to be done in order to demonstrate, to act fairly not only to take action against a single company, PT Torganda, but other companies also include State-Owned Enterprises.

"We have to say that, all the wrong companies should be dealt with and treated the same in the land register 40. If there is a community-managed, then it includes agrarian reform to be distributed to the community. If any company manages illegally, the land must be taken by KLHK to be returned to the state in a reforested condition. Do not let the government out of money (to reforest), it's also unfair," Dana said.
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