Police to Pick up, Rizieq Party Seems This is Revenge
JAKARTA - Jakarta Police (Polda Metro Jaya) investigators will focus on finding leader of Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Rizieq Shihab in Indonesia after being issued a warrant for not fulfilling two summons as witnesses.
"We are coordinating with lawyers to find out where he is," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Commissioner Raden Argo Yuwono in Jakarta on Monday (15/5).
Argo said, investigators can be working together with police of Malaysia and Saudi Arabia in pursuit of Rizieq.
However, the investigator will take the stages according to rules to find Rizieq Shihab who is still a witness status related to the alleged spreading of contain pornography conversations.
Separately, Rizieq lawyer, Sugito Atmo Prawiro confirmed, they have not received confirmation about forced forcibly his client.
Sugito admitted, Rizieq previously wanted to return to Indonesia on Monday (15/5). However, Rizieq decided cancel to return home after seeing his case was politically charged.
"Actually he wanted to go back yesterday, but when the law has become a tool of power and political tools, he thinks there must be a new strategy to fight it," he said.
Sugito himself does not know exactly the location of Rizieq. In his knowledge, his client is still in Malaysia. However, he did not deny that Rizieq had left for Saudi Arabia.
"I do not know exactly, as far as I know still in Kuala Lumpur, but some say it has been to Saudi Arabia again," he said.
Sugito accused, picking Rizieq as a revenge for the government after the defeat Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in the Jakarta elections. The Chairman of FPI Legal Aid believes the government as the ruler uses the power to bring down Rizieq.
He sees, the police encourage Rizieq to be questioned. Must pick up, must be arrested and immediately appointed as a suspect after Ahok imprisoned and lost in Jakarta elections. In fact, Ahok's verdict is in accordance with the decision of the court and the defeat of Ahok not only because Rizieq.
"This does not mean that the active role to defeat Ahok is only Rizieq, and why are all of them delegated to Rizieq?," Sugito said.
He alleged that Rizieq's forced pick up could be like a story in 2008. At that time, Rizieq was forcibly taken from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia over the attack on the Alliance of Religious Freedom groups in front of the Palace. Rizieq was transported while on the plane. In fact, Rizieq not involved in the action.
"So if police picked up to the plane, we can not do anything," he said.
"We are coordinating with lawyers to find out where he is," said Head of Public Relations Jakarta Police, Commissioner Raden Argo Yuwono in Jakarta on Monday (15/5).
Argo said, investigators can be working together with police of Malaysia and Saudi Arabia in pursuit of Rizieq.
However, the investigator will take the stages according to rules to find Rizieq Shihab who is still a witness status related to the alleged spreading of contain pornography conversations.
Separately, Rizieq lawyer, Sugito Atmo Prawiro confirmed, they have not received confirmation about forced forcibly his client.
Sugito admitted, Rizieq previously wanted to return to Indonesia on Monday (15/5). However, Rizieq decided cancel to return home after seeing his case was politically charged.
"Actually he wanted to go back yesterday, but when the law has become a tool of power and political tools, he thinks there must be a new strategy to fight it," he said.
Sugito himself does not know exactly the location of Rizieq. In his knowledge, his client is still in Malaysia. However, he did not deny that Rizieq had left for Saudi Arabia.
"I do not know exactly, as far as I know still in Kuala Lumpur, but some say it has been to Saudi Arabia again," he said.
Sugito accused, picking Rizieq as a revenge for the government after the defeat Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) in the Jakarta elections. The Chairman of FPI Legal Aid believes the government as the ruler uses the power to bring down Rizieq.
He sees, the police encourage Rizieq to be questioned. Must pick up, must be arrested and immediately appointed as a suspect after Ahok imprisoned and lost in Jakarta elections. In fact, Ahok's verdict is in accordance with the decision of the court and the defeat of Ahok not only because Rizieq.
"This does not mean that the active role to defeat Ahok is only Rizieq, and why are all of them delegated to Rizieq?," Sugito said.
He alleged that Rizieq's forced pick up could be like a story in 2008. At that time, Rizieq was forcibly taken from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia over the attack on the Alliance of Religious Freedom groups in front of the Palace. Rizieq was transported while on the plane. In fact, Rizieq not involved in the action.
"So if police picked up to the plane, we can not do anything," he said.