Witness of ISIS Cruelty, Indonesian Workers Rescued

Jum'at, 18 Maret 2016 - 17:30 WIB
Witness of ISIS Cruelty,...
Witness of ISIS Cruelty, Indonesian Workers Rescued
RAQQA - Indonesian Migrant Workers rescued from Raqqa, Syria. She tells the eerie atmosphere in the capital group Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (ISIS).

As reported by the Indonesian Embassy in Syria, maids named Sri Rahayu told if he had met with members of ISIS from Indonesia. Sri also mentions many unexpected things she encounters on the street in Raqqa.

One day, when the maids who had worked in Saudi Arabia 20 years of shopping at Market Raqqa, she saw a lot of heads lined up on the roadside after decapitation.

"From the language and accent, I recognize many soldiers ISIS in Raqqa were from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, India and a few whites, but never met with the people of Indonesia," said Sri.

Sri have had a terrible experience and almost made his life drift. One day he told his employer to buy cigarettes clandestinely. ISIS itself forbids smoking.

Before he went to buy cigarettes, she hurried intercepted ISIS army. Apparently he should not go for unaccompanied male relative.

"Fortunately, smoking is not at my hand," said Sri.

Indonesian Embassy in Damascus finally managed to evacuate this Indonesian workers from NTB. Assisted by an employment agency, Sri managed to get out of Raqqa.

Evacuation of citizens excluded from the siege ISIS is not the first carried out by the Embassy in Damascus. In January, a migrant worker from Subang rescued from ISIS in Deir Ezzor.
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