Palestine Independence is not Negotiable

Senin, 14 Desember 2015 - 20:49 WIB
Palestine Independence...
Palestine Independence is not Negotiable
JAKARTA - Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Al-Malki reiterated that his country's independence is not negotiable. This is expressed respond to the illegal occupation by Israel during the 27 years since the Palestinians declared independence in November 1988.

"From 1948 until today, Israel chose the path of illegal acquisitions in our region, including Jerusalem with violence, forced displacement and colonization," he said at the International Conference on Palestine in Jakarta, Monday (14/12).

In a conference attended by 25 member states of the United Nations Committee for Palestine (CEIRPP) and 24 observer countries, he explained that the day of Palestinians trying to defend their land and homes from the threat of demolition and eviction.

Illegal occupation undertaken by the violence should be a source of suffering experienced by the people of Palestine every day.

"Our families were burned, our young children were killed in the streets," said Riad.

Therefore, he called on other countries and international organizations to stop the false policies and crimes against humanity by Israel.

"States and international institutions must ensure compliance with international law, including removing impunity that had made Israel free to act above the law," he said.

He said Israel must comply with the 1967 Border Treaty expressly provide that East Jerusalem is the capital of Palestine.

Instead, Israel continues to change the status quo east Jerusalem, which is the Holy Land for the three religions: Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, by transferring the Israeli-Palestinian political issue into a religious issue.

"When it turns into interfaith disputes, this will be a confrontation that will never be completed. It is folly Netanyahu thought he was trying to invite all Muslims and Jews into the vortex of conflict," said Riad.

Palestinians expect a solution in which Jerusalem as a sacred and historic place is no longer a source of conflict between the two countries.

"The spirit of the Palestinian people and international support to make us continue to defend Jerusalem. We want Jerusalem become a city of peace and prosperity where different faiths and backgrounds can live alongside each other," said Riad.
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